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Time Is Not On My Side

I was playing a computer game, and only intended to play till 10:00. There’re three clocks within site of my computer (not counting the one on the computer itself, which is not visible while in a game), but oddly, they didn’t agree. Two of them said the same time, but one said one hour later. I assumed the one was wrong, and the two were correct.

I played till 10:00 (by the two clocks I thought correct) and then closed the game. When I closed the game, I saw the computer clock—and it said the same time as the one clock I thought was wrong. Well, with two clocks saying 10:00, and two clocks saying 11:00, I wasn’t sure of the correct time.

Then I remembered that I hadn’t written my daily Bullgrit. Shoot. Before leaving my desk and going to bed, I had to write. It took me about 30 minutes, but I got it done.

I walked into the bedroom in the dark. My wife was asleep, so I didn’t want to turn on the light and wake her. In the wall mirror, I saw red, glowing letters, “h E l l.” It stunned me for a moment. I turned around and looked at the clock on my bed-side table. The red, glowing numbers showed 11:34. Okay, that was weird. I understand how my mind read it differently in the mirror, but still, that’s weird.

So that made it 3 clocks to 2 for it being 11:34 instead of 10:34. I didn’t feel like checking all the other clocks in the house to get a total vote at that time.

Okay, so I have nothing insightful to say about the situation, I just thought it odd.


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