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Snow Sticking Around

What we got Friday night and Saturday morning was a mix of snow and sleet — soft snow under a crust of ice. Me and the boys went out a few times Saturday and Sunday to play in the mess, and though I was pretty bored, pretty quick, they loved it.

Poor little Calgrit5 doesn’t have any gloves suitable for playing in the snow. He has a pair of knit gloves that are great for keeping his little hands warm in our normal winter climate. But as soon as he dug into the show, they were covered in ice that just wouldn’t come off. It was like his little hands were encased in a block of ice.

We ended up shifting gloves — Calfgrit5 wore Calfgrit9’s gloves, Calfgrit9 wore his mom’s gloves. But this wasn’t a good thing for either of them. Neither could do much with their hands wearing gloves too big for them.

We have an old turtle sandbox that the boys used to play in when they were younger. Calfgrit5 had the idea of taking the top of the turtle, turning it over, and using it as a round sled. Clever idea for a 5 year old.

They took the lid to a nearby hill (maybe 10 feet tall) and I pushed them down it a few times. I also pulled them around our cul de sac in the lid a few times. Our cul de sac looked like a ice rink with thin layer of powder on it.

By this morning, most of the major roads in our area had been plowed, or at least sanded. Driving is okay if you take your time and go slow. Although, I got up to 55 on the beltline — it was pretty clear of ice. The secondary roads haven’t been thoroughly plowed or sanded, and so still have big patches or lanes of ice. The tertiary roads, (like in neighborhoods), are just big, bumpy accident makers.

Schools are closed today, so the boys are staying home. But I went into work this morning, and I plan on still going to my game night with the guys, tonight. Traveling in this just takes care, attention, and patience. Some things, sadly, that too many people driving on the roads just don’t have.

I’ve got pictures, but I haven’t been able to get them posted for here, yet. Maybe I can get them up for tomorrow.


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