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Sex and Politics

I’m a member of Blog Catalog. It’s a web place to list one’s blog, and to converse with other people in the blogging hobby/business. After listing my blog there, really all I’ve done since is occasionally participate in some discussion threads on topics completely unrelated to blogging. (Coincidental to this post, this month is my one year anniversary of joining BC. I just noticed it while writing this tonight.)

Much like Facebook, other members of BC can invite you to join various discussion groups. Although I accepted a few invitations back in my first few weeks of joining BC, I haven’t really taken part in any of those groups. In fact, just a few months after accepting them, I deleted them from my list. I just don’t have enough interest in any of them to overcome the lack of time I have to participate in any of them.

Just recently I was invited to join the group titled, “Born Gay, Fabulous by Choice.”

A group for all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered people to share their thoughts and experiences.

Be Proud!

A group where GLBT bloggers can share their blogs and discover new gems in the blogging community.

Even if you’re not GLBT but support our cause you’re welcome to join as well.

Ha! Hilarious!

(Brogrit will love to tease me about this, but I’m secure enough my my heterosexuality that such teasing doesn’t bother me. Besides, I saw what he had on his iPod.)

The blogger who invited me to this group is one that I recognize from the BC discussion forums. I’ve left some minor comments on a couple of threads he started. It was one of his topics that reminded me of my old experience at a GL bar. (All his discussions are about gay issues.)

Anyway, apparently I left some impression with him, and that’s why he invited me to this group. He sent the message through my “shout box” on Blog Catalog (so it is open for everyone to see):

You have been invited to join the group Born Gay Fabulous by Choice.

I responded back through the shout box:

LOL! Dude, you invited me to the “Born Gay Fabulous” group — I’m not gay. Gave me a good chuckle this morning. :-)

He answered:

LoL, I did it on purpose! Come on you liberal straight man, join what do you have to loose? You know it will be good for your ego ;-)

I said:

More LOL! It will be good for my ego? How, because I can say I get more vag than you gay guys? That’s not a big brag. ;-) And I’m not liberal, either. :-)

That’s where the conversation ended. Lacking a closing statement from him makes it feel a bit abrupt. I can’t help but wonder if my denying liberalism turned him off of me. He still talked to me after I said I’m not gay, but when I said I’m not liberal, zip, that’s the end of the conversation.

I guess he originally made the assumption that because I don’t have a hang up about gays/lesbians, then I must be of the liberal political persuasion. If so, then maybe my last response turned his assumption around and he decided that if I’m not liberal, then I must be conservative, and must be anti-gay.

Oh well. One should never assume (either way). When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.


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