Every parent knows the zombie-like feeling of a day with little to no sleep the night before. Maybe you were up every two hours over night to feed the baby. Maybe you spent all night in the Emergency Room with your sick child. Or maybe you’re just frazzled from keeping the kids entertained all day during summer vacation or school track out.
Heck, you don’t even have to be a parent to occasionally be worn slap out. Been studying for mid-term exams? Been working 12-hour shifts all week? Been out on a drunken bender over the weekend?
For all these times, own your mood. I wear this shirt far too often, (including last Friday, actually on Halloween):
I’m Not a Zombie, I’m Just Tired

I told myself, (deceived myself), that I would explain things to my kids when they asked why I told them to do or not do something. But it didn’t take very long for having to explain every damn thing I said to get old. I know every parent says this, and every kid hears this, all many times through life. So here it is right up front and in their face.
Because I said so!

At the start of WWII, the British Ministry of Information designed and produced some posters to boost citizen morale. That’s where the “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters originated. In recent years, these posters, and various spoofs of them have resurfaced as novelties and/or humor bits.
Well, though I’m shamefully slow to jump on a pop culture bandwagon, I do eventually get on board:
Keep Calm and Call Dad

So when all hell breaks loose in your world, remember help is just a phone call away. Keep calm and call dad.
Brogrit and I could have used this reminder when we were young. Our dad was usually a calm man even in a stressful situation, and whatever trouble or circumstances we boys might be in, we knew we could always rely on Dad to deal with it calmly.
My 7 year old gave me the idea for this t-shirt design. While talking about how much he liked playing soccer, he came right out and said the most important thing about playing any game: “I love to score.”
Yes, son, everyone loves to score. So I designed a t-shirt to let everyone know that’s what is on your mind.
I Love to Score

And by simply removing the scoreboard from the design, it’s a double entendre for dads, (and non-dads), to wear…
I Love to Score
