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The Universe in a Nutshell

Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time is one of my all-time favorite books. I’ve read it numerous times; the subject matter is just fascinating. When I learned that Hawking had written a second book, The Universe in a Nutshell, a follow-up/sequel to BHT, I wanted it. Although it was published way back in 2001, I only heard of it maybe four or five years ago.

I don’t often have much time for pleasure reading nowadays, and I still prefer to buy my books at an actual brick-and-mortar store, rather than online, so picking up the book became sort of a “some day” thing. On those rare occasions when I was able to run in a book store, like when with the family at the mall, I always made sure to look for The Universe in a Nutshell. Every time I found it, it was in 30-40-dollar hardback form. I really prefer a paperback — it’s much more portable and easier to hold for reading in bed or at a restaurant table. I could never find the trade paperback form, anywhere.

There’s a Borders bookstore near my office, and when they started their whole going out of business thing, I made sure to check for the book there. At first they had it, still for 40 bucks. Then later, when they were starting real discounts, they didn’t have it. Then just last week, I happened to be out walking for lunch, and saw the store was down to 30-50% markdowns on everything. I figured I might as well peek in and see if by some luck they had Universe.

It wasn’t on the shelf with the other physics and science books, and a worker said she thought they were sold out of it. So, disappointed, again, I started walking towards the front doors to leave. Just out of the corner of my eyes, a rack of hardback books, at the end of an aisle, caught my eye. That looks like… it is!

There, staring me in the face, about ten feet away was The Universe in a Nutshell. But it was the hardback version. Shoot. But looking at it closer, it was actually the dual book A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell in one cover. The price sticker said, “15.00”. Oh, cool. Both books for the price of half of one.

I grabbed the book, the only copy of it, apparently, and nearly rushed to the check out. At the register, the book rang up at less than $11.00. Score!

I was smiling and clutching it to my chest as I exited the store. I felt like how I imagine a 10 year old boy feels with the latest Harry Potter book. Or how a 16 year old girl feels with the latest Twilight book. Hmm. I need better analogies. But I’m a big old nerd happy about finding a book on theoretical physics, so I don’t know if there is a good analogy that would make me look less dorky. My mind just comes up with old comic books and classic sci-fi novels.

Oh hell. Screw it. I have The Universe in a Nutshell, and I’m excited about reading it. Now I just have to find the time.


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