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So Ridiculously Busy

It’s been over a month since I last posted anything here. One reason for my blog absence is we’ve just been extremely busy around here. Another reason is that I allowed myself to get lax about posting. It’s amazing how easy something can fall away completely when you let your grip ease up on it.

Just about every day, something happens or I think of something that I’d like to write and post about, but then, I get tied up with everything going on, and the next thing I know it’s 10 or 11pm. I’ve actually gone 3-4 days in a row, a few times, without so much as sitting down at my desk. Right now, as I am writing this post, it’s coming up on 10pm, and I’m still sweaty from my workout of 8-9:00. Usually I take a shower right after my exercise, but tonight I decided I really needed to post something, if just to let the Web know I’m not dead. (I’m sure everyone has been worried :-) If I went right to the shower, I’d end up in bed immediately after, passing another evening without putting my fingers to my keyboard in any way.

I can’t even point to any one thing and say, “That is what’s taking up all my time.” It’s just so much. I’ve done our taxes. I’ve helped the wife with a yard sale for her mother. I’ve had to work late at my job because of the software release date. I make dinner at least half the nights of the week. This, that, and another thing just keeps popping up and taking my time and attention. It’s taken me almost two weeks just to answer some emails.

Actually, if I’m completely honest, there have been a couple or three times that I’ve sat at my computer over the past month, with the intention to write a post. But writer’s block kills my mood and I end up spending half an hour surfing stupid junk around the Web. Then I get called away for something, and I missed the only opportunity I’d have for another week.

So, I apologize to all my regular readers who have bothered to come back here occasionally during the past month or so and found nothing new. And I want to say, “Hey, this isn’t a dead place,” to any new folks who have come around. This isn’t dead, it’s just been mostly dead. Which, as Miracle Max explains, is still slightly alive.



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