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Catching Up Real Fast

My dad and his wife came up to visit and watch the boys for Cowgrit and me. (His wife is technically my step-mother, but that sounds weird in this case — they got married well into my adulthood. I’ll have to ask her how she’d prefer to be referenced in my blog.) When I got home from work, we only had about an hour before they would need to leave, so I talked a hundred miles an hour, trying to tell them stuff, show them stuff, and just generally catch them up on weeks of my life in the one hour.

This happens every time I visit or am visited by my mom or dad. We usually talk on the phone at least once a week, and I see them at least once every couple or three months, and they both read my blog. But still, there is so much going on that I want them to know about. I’m not usually all that hypersocial with anyone, but with my parents, I want to tell them everything, and I usually only have a short amount of time to tell it.

For instance, I have my new cell phone with all kinds of cool features that I’ve been learning about over the past week. I think it’s an awesome thing, and I want to show them all I’ve discovered I can do with it. So I end up speed-telling them everything about it, and showing them all the bells and whistles. All sons want to share their cool new gadgets with their dad, but I only have a limited amount of time to share it all.

Even if my dad and mom lived next door, I’ve got so much going on that I probably couldn’t keep them up to date on everything in my life. I need to ease up on the “this has been the past six weeks of my life” in one hour storytelling. I should just enjoy the company, and give up on trying to keep them totally updated on everything.


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