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Camp Out Rained Out

Saturday afternoon, Calfgrit7 asked if we could have a camp out in our backyard. (We’ve set up our tent in our backyard before, and I thought I had blogged about it, but I can’t find the post now.) Well, I had already cut the grass, trimmed the edge, and raked everything up, so I didn’t really feel like doing the work of putting up the tent then. I told him we’d do it Sunday night, since Monday was a holiday.

Well, Sunday afternoon, when we were going to set up the tent, it started raining pretty heavily. So, as a consolation, we decided to have a camp out in the den. We got out the boys’ sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets, and we spread everything out on the floor downstairs. Wifegrit was going to sleep in bed, like normal, (wuss), and I was going to sleep on the sofa.

Calfgrit11 got in his sleeping bag, but Calfgrit7 curled up on his beanbag chair with a blanket over him. Then after about 20 minutes past bedtime, he decided he couldn’t sleep and asked to go on up to his bed. I told him, “Sure, go on up,” and he left his brother and me to be the lone “campers.”

After CG11 fell asleep, I got up off the couch and snuck up to get in my bed. When I opened the door to my bedroom, I found CG7 asleep in my spot next to Wifegrit. I gave a big sigh and turned around and went back downstairs to sleep the night on the couch.

So much for any kind of “camp out.”


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