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Missing My Game Nights

Since starting my exercise regimen, I had to give up my regular, weekly game nights with my friends. My daily schedule only gives me time for the workouts in the evenings, every evening, and I can’t skip a day each week (at least not for the first 90 days). This saddens me. I miss the once-a-week evenings playing games with my friends.

I’d leave work around 4:30, to beat the rush hour traffic; it’s about a 30-40 minute drive out to my friend’s house where we play. There’s a shopping center across the street from his neighborhood, and this is the only situation when I ever really had time to shop around with peace and concentration. I’d stop in the Best Buy to check out televisions, computer stuff, or new games. Or I’d go into Target to look at clothes, toys, or home stuff.

Or maybe I’d go eat at a Chili’s restaurant and read a book. Then after the meal, I’d go park out in the shopping center lot, way out from the stores, where no one else was around, and sit in my car. I could continue reading my book, or maybe I’d lean the seat back and take a little nap. Then, after 6:00, I’d head out of the shopping center and over to the house.

Pull into the driveway, park the car, get out and go up to the front door. I’d rap on the door and immediately here, “It’s open!” shouted from the other side. I’d go in, and our sitting around talking time would begin.

We’d talk about our week, and just about anything a conversation can flow to. The other guys would arrive and join the chat. Then at around 7:00, we’d all move over to the kitchen table and set up for whatever game(s) were were going to play that night.

We’d play, talk, joke, and have a generally fun time until about 11:00. Then we’d put away our gaming stuff, and hop back over to the den for more idle chat. We’d chat for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, and then we’d usually break all together, saying, “Good night, it was fun,” and head out to our cars. Another 30-40 minute drive back home, and to bed.

And then, inevitably, Calfgrit5 wakes up at 5:30 the next morning to start our day.


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