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The Flu Sucks

Around noon on Sunday, I started feeling a little bit achy and chilled. Although the feelings were just faint at that time, I knew it was some illness taking root in my body. I went to bed right after lunch. Cowgrit took my temperature: 99 degrees. Yep, I was coming down with a little something.

A couple of hours later, my temp hit 101 degrees. I spent the rest of the day and evening just trying to rest out the aches and chills. Sunday night was horrible. The aches were intense, and I just couldn’t get comfortable in any position. My fever had reached 103 degrees but the chills made my whole body tremor despite having a sheet and two blankets covering me.

Then around 6:00 a.m., I broke the fever with a heavy sweat. I continued to lay in bed all day, tired, drained, and weak. Fortunately, these flu-like symptoms haven’t included stomach issues, and I’ve been able to eat lightly now and then.

I spent all day yesterday in bed again, just trying to rest and wait out the illness. Aches and chills and fever (up to 103) come and go, and I’m keeping meds in my system to fight back. I took Benedryl last night to help me sleep, and it seemed to work fairly well. This morning, I again broke the fever with a heavy sweat. (Two mornings in a row we’ve had to change our bed sheets.)

Now, at 10:00 Tuesday morning, my temperature is down to 99 degrees, but I’m drained and worn out by this bug in my system. I’m hoping the worst of the ordeal is over and now all I need to do is rest for recovery.

Edit 9:00 Wednesday morning: Nope, it ain’t over. Temp got to 103 again yesterday evening, and I sweated it off again. Time to  change and wash the bed sheets for the third straight day. I am so worn out.


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