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Rock Garden

My 6 year old son has collected little rocks for a couple of years. The rocks are nothing special geologically. They’re just little stones he found here and there, in the back yard, at a playground, at his grandparents’ house, etc. Over the first year, he had collected maybe a dozen such rocks.

He kept a few of them in his room, but the bigger ones and dirty ones were left outside somewhere. Over the past several months, both boys have started collecting more rocks. We’ve stopped letting them come in the house, so they’ve started piling up out on our front steps. There’s probably 30 or 40 rocks in the pile, now. Some are just pebbles the size of a penny, and some are stones as big as the 6 year old’s fist.

Our 2 year old (who will be 3 in a couple weeks) likes to hold the rocks. He likes to carry one or two while riding in the car. We’ve found one in his hand at the grocery store a couple of times, and I had to take one out of his hand when I dropped him off at preschool the other day.

Yesterday, they both sat out on the front steps and played with the rock collection. They arranged them in different piles. They compared the rocks to one another. They made an avalanche from one step to the next. They can have several minutes fun just playing with the pile of rocks.

My biggest fear is that one or both will think of throwing a rock, and they might break a window or damage a car, but so far, their play with the things has been very calm and easy. It’s cute to watch them play with the rocks. It’s really an adorable thing how kids can make play with anything. Young imaginations are a wonderful thing to watch.


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