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P90X Phase I Complete

The worst thing about going through this exercise regimen is that the hour-and-a-half (and more) of my evenings it takes, really cramps out the other activities I need to do in the evenings. When I’m finished with the workout, cooled down, and showered, it’s usually about 10:00 p.m., and I’m ready to collapse into bed. So that means other things, like writing a blog post, get put off.

The best thing about going through this exercise regimen is the fantastic feeling coursing through my body right after finishing a routine. I almost always feel like I shouldn’t be finished yet, like I have more energy to burn. But the particular muscles I’ve been working that evening are pretty much wasted, and I really couldn’t do even one more push up or pull up or jump or squat.

I’ve completed phase I of P90X — 4 weeks done, 9 more to go. I still find the Yoga X routine to be very aggravating, but I still love the system as a whole.

I’ve lost some weight, and I’m starting to get some tone all around. I got a compliment on my calves this weekend when I was out running beside my boys on their scooters. Plus I was happy to be able to keep up with my boys on their scooters, without having to stop and pant every few minutes. It felt good to run around our house playing tag, too. I was raring to go.

This whole workout system is proving to be one of the best hard processes I’ve ever put myself through.


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