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My Boy Loves Me

My little 6-year-old boy loves me so much, and that is the best feeling in the world. Each week, he brings home from school work he has created in class. Pictures he has drawn and stories he has written as well as worksheets and tests he’s completed. Often, the pictures and stories he makes are of he and I doing things.

Calfgrit6 and Bullgrit

He’s drawn and written about us playing and sliding at the Great Wolf Lodge, playing soccer in the cul de sac, going to a local corn maze, and many other adventures. Sometimes I don’t realize how impressed he is with some of our activities until I see the story and drawing about it some weeks later. These little surprises just make my heart glow.

Sometimes I feel like I’m such a “bad daddy,” by making him clean up his room, or by not making him mac & cheese for every meal, or by taking 10 minutes after I tell him, “Just give me one more minute.” And there are so many big experiences I can’t wait to share with him when he gets older, that sometimes I forget even the little experiences when he’s young are important.

He still holds my hand when we cross a parking lot, (while his big brother walks on his own). He sits in my lap when we watch a video on my computer, (while his big brother stands beside me). He wants to climb into bed with us when he wakes up in the morning, (while his big brother just wants to play with his toys).

I love my little boy. And I am so happy that he loves me back.


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