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Grade School Musical

Calfgrit7’s first grade class was part of a show where the kids stood and sat on risers on the auditorium stage. It was for the end of the school year, and all the audience was parents. They sang several songs, did little “hand dances,” and were just cute as hell.

Some of the kids seemed to be loving the whole performance, some seemed very stage shy, and some seemed distracted, looking around the stage and audience without really paying attention to what they were supposed to be doing. And all the time, there camera flashes from the audience. I looked around the auditorium and laughed at all the parents filming and snapping pictures — I was right there doing it too.

The kids sang about saying “Hello” in many languages, they sang about their school being great (to the tune of “It’s a Small World”), they sang about eating a mosquito burrito, and they sang “We’re All In This Together” from High School Musical. I’ve heard that song before, but having heard it from a bunch of 7 year olds, my son among them, it’s now got a reserved spot in my heart. God, but they were adorable.

We made sure Calfgrit7 saw us in the audience, and we exchanged waves a couple times. After the show, we congratulated him, and he seemed very happy and proud for having performed. That’s great. He didn’t look like he was totally comfortable up there on stage, especially compared to some of the “real performers,” but he said he enjoyed doing the show.


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