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Exercise is for Girls

Yesterday, me and my boys were in Target together, picking up items we each needed. The Calfgrits had some saved up allowance for toys, and I had to prepare for my upcoming workout regimen.

Calfgrit9 was buying a small Lego Halo set, and Calfgrit5 was buying a new Bionicle. On the cashier aisle conveyor belt, I put a pair of weight lifting gloves, a workout mat, and a pair of yoga blocks.

When the cashier girl got to my items, she commented, “Interesting choice for Valentine gifts. Or did your wife specifically ask for this?” She was smiling mischievously.

I was kind of taken aback. First, just because I’m buying something on Valentine’s Day, doesn’t mean the something is a gift for my Valentine. Second, why the assumption I’m buying this stuff for my wife, instead of just for me?

I explained, “It’s just coincidental that I’m buying this on Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh,” she replied and finished ringing up the sale.

After the transaction, as we were walking away with our bagged purchases, I thought more about the girl’s comment. Is there something inherently female about what I bought that made her think it was for my wife? I mean, weight lifting gloves? Surely lifting heavy weights is not considered a feminine activity.

A workout mat? These things are in every gym I’ve ever been to, (including my old martial arts gym), used by both genders — I’ve done sit ups and push ups on these things many times. Maybe if this one was pink, I could see assuming it was for a woman. But this one’s a dark green.

The yoga blocks? Yeah, I’ll admit that I tend to first think of yoga as a woman’s activity, but really, it’s not exclusively for women.

After thinking about the situation for another minute, I came to the idea that maybe she just thought I looked in great shape already, and therefore didn’t need workout gear. Yeah, that’s good.

Or maybe she looked at me and figured I was in such sloppy shape that I’d never bother with a workout.

No. She definitely had to think I was buff enough, and didn’t need the equipment. I’m satisfied with that explanation. It makes the most sense to me.


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